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Showing posts from February, 2019

Closer Look At Online Psychological Therapy

Online therapy also known by the name e-counselling, e-therapy is a new development in the field of medical science of mental health. In this type of therapy counsellor or psychologist will provide counselling and advise through the medium of the web. Online therapy can be provided through email, video conferencing, online chat, messaging, or internet phone in which session can occur in real time.   Though online psychological counselling has some limitations, it quickly has become popular among people who don’t want to take face to face traditional therapy sessions. With its growing popularity, it has open new doe for counselling to provide services to the clients who are suffering from various mental issues.   History of E-Therapy The distance between the client and the therapist is not a new idea. In the past, a psychologist named Sigmund Freud uses letters to communicate with his clients. Many self-help groups have emerged over the internet in the early 1980s. As of